FREE Pocket Guide

Burst Your Emotional Bubble

This pocket guide will allow you to start seeing all the possibilities your life has to offer beyond the emotional rollercoaster.

When life gets hard, reference this guide to start addressing the emotions you are feeling. It offers strategies to get through the bad feelings like:

Depression, Fear, Envy

Anxiety, Anger, Sadness

Jealousy and Frustration

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    Amplify Your Power

    Learn How To Become The Limitless Version Of Yourself

    Welcome to my practice!

    My life didn’t always look like a dream, and I certainly didn’t have a textbook childhood. At a young age and throughout my young adult life, I experienced trauma that I couldn’t ever seem to get away from. The up and down cycles of not feeling good enough and resorting to outside influences to numb the pain became more than I could bear. After some deep aha, moments I began to dig myself out and I began asking the questions if this worked for me, how can it work for others? How can I help other people get out of the pain and numbness of life and start living to their full potential?


    Today, I am a certified Positive Psychology Practitioner, Transformational Mindset, and Integrative Medicine Health Coach. I have implemented my experience and knowledge into my advanced mindset coaching methodologies and Get Real, Heal & Deal online course. I am passionate about teaching “Life Concepts” that aren’t commonly taught so you can understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, bounce back from adversity quickly, and defuse conflict within yourself and others.


    I want the best for you, so you can gain the skills to make the right career, relationship, home environment, education, financial, and health decisions!

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